Source code for lagom.vis.image_viewer

import numpy as np

import pyglet

    import as gl
except Exception:
    msg1 = '1. make sure OpenGL is installed by running `sudo apt install python-opengl`. \n'
    msg2 = '2. if you are on a server, then create a fake screen with xvfb-run and make sure nvidia driver '
    msg3 = 'is installed with --no-opengl-files and cuda with --no-opengl-libs'
    raise ImportError(msg1+msg2+msg3) from None

[docs]class ImageViewer(pyglet.window.Window): r"""Display an image from an RGB array in an OpenGL window. Example:: imageviewer = ImageViewer(max_width=500) image = np.asarray('x.jpg')) imageviewer(image) """
[docs] def __init__(self, max_width=500): r"""Initialize the OpenGL window. Args: max_width (int): maximum width of the window. """ self.max_width = max_width self.closed = False # Create OpenGL window super().__init__(visible=False, vsync=False, resizable=True)
[docs] def __call__(self, x): r"""Create an image from the given RGB array and display to the window. Args: x (ndarray): RGB array """ assert isinstance(x, np.ndarray), f'expected numpy array dtype, got {type(x)}' assert x.ndim == 3, f'expected ndim=3, got {x.ndim}' assert x.shape[-1] == 3, f'expected 3 color channel, got {x.shape[-1]}' # Rescale the window according to the image and maximally allowed width img_height, img_width, _ = x.shape if img_width > self.max_width: # too large, rescale ratio = self.max_width/img_width win_width = int(ratio*img_width) win_height = int(ratio*img_height) else: # allowed range win_width = img_width win_height = img_height # Resize the window self.set_size(width=win_width, height=win_height) # Set window to be visible for first call if not self.visible: self.set_visible(True) # Create an image object image = pyglet.image.ImageData(width=img_width, height=img_height, format='RGB', data=x.tobytes(), pitch=img_width*-3) gl.glTexParameteri(gl.GL_TEXTURE_2D, gl.GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, gl.GL_NEAREST) texture = image.get_texture() # Resize the image texture as the window size texture.width = self.width texture.height = self.height # Clear the window and display the image self.clear() self.switch_to() self.dispatch_events() texture.blit(0, 0) # draw image to active framebuffer displaying at lower-left corner self.flip() # filp the front and backend buffer
[docs] def close(self): r"""Close the Window. """ if not self.closed: self.closed = True super().close()