Source code for lagom.envs.wrappers.normalize_action

import gym
from gym import spaces
import numpy as np

[docs]class NormalizeAction(gym.ActionWrapper): r"""Rescale the continuous action space of the environment from [-1, 1]. """ def __init__(self, env): assert isinstance(env.action_space, spaces.Box), 'expected Box action space.' super().__init__(env) def action(self, action): assert np.all(action >= -1.0) and np.all(action <= 1.0), 'expected range within [-1, 1], use tanh' low = self.env.action_space.low high = self.env.action_space.high action = low + (1.0 + action)*(high - low)/2.0 action = np.clip(action, low, high) return action