Source code for lagom.utils.timing

import functools
from contextlib import contextmanager

from time import perf_counter
from datetime import timedelta
from datetime import datetime

from .colorize import color_str

[docs]@contextmanager def timed(color='green', bold=False): r"""A decorator to print the total time of executing a body function. Args: color (str, optional): color name. Default: 'green' bold (bool, optional): if ``True``, then the verbose is bolded. Default: ``False`` """ t = perf_counter() yield total_time = timedelta(seconds=round(perf_counter() - t)) timestamp =' ', 'seconds') print(color_str(string=f'\nTotal time: {total_time} at {timestamp}', color=color, bold=bold))
[docs]def timeit(_func=None, *, color='green', bold=False): def decorator_timeit(f): r"""Print the runtime of the decorated function. """ @functools.wraps(f) def wrapper_timeit(*args, **kwargs): t = perf_counter() out = f(*args, **kwargs) total_time = timedelta(seconds=round(perf_counter() - t)) timestamp =' ', 'seconds') print(color_str(string=f'\nTotal time: {total_time} at {timestamp}', color=color, bold=bold)) return out return wrapper_timeit if _func is None: return decorator_timeit else: return decorator_timeit(_func)