Source code for lagom.utils.colorize

from colorama import Fore, Style

[docs]def color_str(string, color, bold=False): r"""Returns stylized string with coloring and bolding for printing. Example:: >>> print(color_str('lagom', 'green', bold=True)) Args: string (str): input string color (str): color name bold (bool, optional): if ``True``, then the string is bolded. Default: ``False`` Returns: out: stylized string """ colors = {'red': Fore.RED, 'green': Fore.GREEN, 'blue': Fore.BLUE, 'cyan': Fore.CYAN, 'magenta': Fore.MAGENTA, 'black': Fore.BLACK, 'white': Fore.WHITE} style = colors[color] if bold: style += Style.BRIGHT out = style + string + Style.RESET_ALL return out