Source code for lagom.transform.segment_tree

import operator

[docs]class SegmentTree(object): r"""Defines a segment tree data structure. It can be regarded as regular array, but with two major differences - Value modification is slower: O(ln(capacity)) instead of O(1) - Efficient reduce operation over contiguous subarray: O(ln(segment size)) Args: capacity (int): total number of elements, it must be a power of two. operation (lambda): binary operation forming a group, e.g. sum, min identity_element (object): identity element in the group, e.g. 0 for sum """ def __init__(self, capacity, operation, identity_element): assert capacity > 0 and capacity & (capacity - 1) == 0, 'capacity must be positive and a power of 2.' self.capacity = capacity self.operation = operation self.value = [identity_element for _ in range(2*capacity)] def _reduce(self, start, end, node, node_start, node_end): if start == node_start and end == node_end: return self.value[node] mid = (node_start + node_end)//2 if end <= mid: # go to left child return self._reduce(start, end, 2*node, node_start, mid) else: if start >= mid + 1: # go to right child return self._reduce(start, end, 2*node + 1, mid + 1, node_end) else: return self.operation(self._reduce(start, mid, 2*node, node_start, mid), self._reduce(mid + 1, end, 2*node + 1, mid + 1, node_end))
[docs] def reduce(self, start=0, end=None): r"""Returns result of operation(A[start], operation(A[start+1], operation(... A[end - 1]))). Args: start (int): start of segment end (int): end of segment Returns: object: result of reduce operation """ if end is None: end = self.capacity if end < 0: end += self.capacity end -= 1 return self._reduce(start, end, 1, 0, self.capacity - 1)
def __setitem__(self, index, value): # index of leaf index += self.capacity self.value[index] = value index //= 2 while index >= 1: self.value[index] = self.operation(self.value[2*index], self.value[2*index + 1]) index //= 2 def __getitem__(self, index): assert 0 <= index < self.capacity return self.value[index + self.capacity]
[docs]class SumTree(SegmentTree): r"""Defines the sum tree for storing replay priorities. Each leaf node contains priority value. Internal nodes maintain the sum of the priorities of all leaf nodes in their subtrees. """ def __init__(self, capacity): super().__init__(capacity, operator.add, 0.0)
[docs] def sum(self, start=0, end=None): r"""Return A[start] + ... + A[end - 1]""" return super().reduce(start, end)
[docs] def find_prefixsum_index(self, prefixsum): r"""Find the highest index `i` in the array such that sum(A[0] + A[1] + ... + A[i - 1]) <= prefixsum if array values are probabilities, this function efficiently sample indices according to the discrete probability. Args: prefixsum (float): prefix sum. Returns: int: highest index satisfying the prefixsum constraint """ assert 0 <= prefixsum <= self.sum() + 1e-5 index = 1 while index < self.capacity: # while non-leaf if self.value[2*index] > prefixsum: index = 2*index else: prefixsum -= self.value[2*index] index = 2*index + 1 return index - self.capacity
[docs]class MinTree(SegmentTree): def __init__(self, capacity): super().__init__(capacity, min, float('inf'))
[docs] def min(self, start=0, end=None): r"""Returns min(A[start], ..., A[end])""" return super().reduce(start, end)