Source code for lagom.transform.linear_schedule

[docs]class LinearSchedule(object): r"""A linear scheduling from an initial to a final value over a certain timesteps, then the final value is fixed constantly afterwards. .. note:: This could be useful for following use cases: * Decay of epsilon-greedy: initialized with :math:`1.0` and keep with :attr:`start` time steps, then linearly decay to :attr:`final` over :attr:`N` time steps, and then fixed constantly as :attr:`final` afterwards. * Beta parameter in prioritized experience replay. Note that for learning rate decay, one should use PyTorch ``optim.lr_scheduler`` instead. Example: >>> scheduler = LinearSchedule(initial=1.0, final=0.1, N=3, start=0) >>> [scheduler(i) for i in range(6)] [1.0, 0.7, 0.4, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1] Args: initial (float): initial value final (float): final value N (int): number of scheduling timesteps start (int, optional): the timestep to start the scheduling. Default: 0 """ def __init__(self, initial, final, N, start=0): assert N > 0, f'expected N as positive integer, got {N}' assert start >= 0, f'expected start as non-negative integer, got {start}' self.initial = initial = final self.N = N self.start = start self.x = None
[docs] def __call__(self, x): r"""Returns the current value of the scheduling. Args: x (int): the current timestep. Returns: float: current value of the scheduling. """ assert isinstance(x, int) and x >= 0, f'expected as a non-negative integer, got {x}' if x == 0 or x < self.start: self.x = self.initial elif x >= self.start + self.N: self.x = else: # scheduling over N steps delta = - self.initial ratio = (x - self.start)/self.N self.x = self.initial + ratio*delta return self.x
def get_current(self): return self.x